It's been a while since I blogged - just no time! We've been busy meeting with the Thai FDA, teaching classes, planning a workshop and trips to various universities - Naresuan and Thammassat to start. I also had dinner with a group of physicians of the Rural Doctors Society who were attending the Prince Mahidol conference.
Spurred by changes in the Universal Coverage program, there is added interest in the role of community pharmacists in the health care system. My understanding is that previously, prescriptions and services from community pharmacies were not covered under the Universal Coverage scheme and now they are - patients under this coverage scheme have the option to obtain their prescriptions from community pharmacies rather than waiting in long queues at hospital outpatient pharmacies and clinics. And, pharmacists here may dispense many drugs without a prescription (that are prescription in the US), and they are seen as a provider for minor ailments. So,there is much opportunity for community pharmacists to play a greater role in ambulatory care. Hence, initiation of a new project, the 'Quality Drug Store Project.' I will have to share with them the work that has been done with the P3 program!
What about nurse practitioners?
ReplyDeleteMiss you lots! Han